60 Feather Tattoo Ideas and Designs for Boys and Girls

Team TSR April 22, 2021 Tattoos

Feather tattoos are among the popular tattoo designs to get inked. Let’s explore some beautiful feather tattoo designs, ideas, and meanings for men and women. People often opt for feather tattoo designs, because it is rich in symbolic value and is something that you are looking to get ink for if you wish to remind yourself of your goal and to be free from the things that burden you.

The feather tattoo design is associated with ideas of freedom, courage, strength, hope, spirituality, and wisdom. Feather tattoos are interpreted in many ways, there are so many variations of feather tattoos depending on style, designs, colors, birds, meanings, and are also related to different cultures.

Meaning of Different Birds Feather Tattoos:

Every feather tattoo has its significance and design depending upon the bird you choose. Feather tattoo designs are quite distinct and elegant, effectively reflecting the characters like truth, courage, bravery, freedom, travel, and more of the different species of birds they are derived from. There are some cultures and civilizations that consider feathers as messages from the spirit world.

Peacock Feather Tattoo

The most spectacular and visually appealing thing in a peacock feather tattoo is its iridescent colors. This tattoo is linked to the bright side of life by its grandeur and unforgettable beauty and can also stand for pure, true love as well as immortality. A peacock feather is said to absorb negative vibes and protect the wearer from any mishap. In different parts of the world, it is also considered a symbol of good luck.

Eagle Feather Tattoo

One of the most majestic and commonly used feather tattoos is the eagle, it is also rich in symbolism. It is important in Native American culture, the eagle is considered the strongest and bravest of all birds and in some cultures, eagle feathers were given to warriors as a symbol of bravery, courage, and honor.

Phoenix Feather Tattoo

The phoenix is a much-loved image to get tattooed because the mythical creature cyclically regenerates and is reborn from ashes after bursting into flame; it is linked to renewal and triumph ideas. If you are deciding to get inked with this piece, it works best in color and is often tattooed in bright orange and red hues to indicate a fire.

Turkey Feather Tattoo

Turkey feather tattoo is the body art for you If the ideas of honor, wisdom, and power appeal to you. The plumage is also thought to represent abundance and fertility.

Hawk Feather Tattoo

Hawk feathers mean protection, strength, far-sightedness, and guardianship. They are mainly popular for their great colors, people who want to remind themselves of their inner strength and the things they have passed can get this tattoo.

Owl Feather Tattoo

An owl feather symbolizes wisdom, agility, insight, and clarity. The color contrast and the enthralling appearance of an owl feather make for a particularly striking.

Dove Feather Tattoo

Dove feathers are pure white and symbolize peace, love, gentleness, and kindness. The dove feather tattoo designs are mainly popular among women to get inked, most designs look pretty delicate and beautiful on girls/ women.

Bluebird Feather Tattoo

The bluebird feather is mainly popular because of the bright, vibrant color and makes it an interesting choice for a tattoo.

What does Feather Tattoo Symbolize?

Feather tattoos are very popular and a great choice for body art. Artists play an important role in understanding your vision for your tattoo design and always find ways in taking it up a notch, and come up with incredible ways in making a simple design stand out.

Infinity Feather Tattoo

The infinity symbol is used in mathematics or physics to indicate the concept of something that is unlimited, endless. Many people love infinity tattoo designs because of their meaning, which represents timelessness and the idea of something continuing forever.

Feather And Arrow Tattoo

Arrow and the Feather are related to Native American culture. The Native American warrior’s plumage was often added to stabilize the weapon, which was used for hunting or protection. feather is often associated with wisdom, strength, and honor, while an arrow Indicates direction and power. The combination of these is the perfect option for someone who finds this quality appealing.

Dream Catcher Feather Tattoo

Just like feathers, dreamcatchers are also associated with Native American culture. It is an attractive object and is rich in symbolism, representing freedom, protection, and wisdom, among other things. A dreamcatcher is mostly completed with feathers to encourage good dreams and positive thoughts.

Crown And Feather Tattoo

A crown and feather together make an interesting tattoo. Most people are drawn by the divine meaning that these symbols carry, the crown is worn by monarchs and is linked with power and glory. On the other hand, the feather has various interpretations but is commonly known for freedom and beauty. making combining these two elements an interesting one.

Feather Pen Tattoo

The meaning of a feather pen tattoo varies for each individual. A quill is antiquated and old-fashioned; it was used to write before the invention of the pen, it symbolizes tradition, manners, and sensibilities is now seen as a symbol for communication and makes for a fantastic tattoo. The best thing about this piece is that you can include words or quotes that are meaningful to you, making your tattoo even more special. It is mostly referred to as being graceful and beautiful.

Feather Tattoo With Birds

The most powerful interpretation of feather among all is freedom. Individuals who opt to get tattoos of feathers and flying birds find the idea of freedom of the body and mind appealing. For some, the idea of freedom can be traveling or exploring the world.

Significance of different colors in Feather Tattoo:

Not only the designs of feathers and the birds they come from, but the color of the feathers have their symbolic meanings too. For instance, white stands for purity, yellow for smartness, and red for passion.

White Feather Tattoo

The white feather is said to represent innocence, purity, and spirituality, it is also a reminder to keep the faith, you are supported and protected by your guardian angel.

Red Feather Tattoo

Red feather signifies stability, energy, strength, passion, and courage.

Orange Feather Tattoo

Orange feathers carry messages of creativity, listening to your inner voice, and staying positive to attract success.

Blue Feather Tattoo

Blue feather brings calming and peaceful energy and psychic awareness.

Grey Feather Tattoo

Grey is neutral and can be a sign that the answer to your question is not yes/no or black/ white and also a call to return to peace within.

Black Feather Tattoo

A black feather is a signal that spiritual wisdom and magic are accessible by you.

Purple Feather Tattoo

Purple feathers carry messages of deep spirituality, transmutation of negativity, as well as the opening of psychic and spiritual sight.

Brown Feather Tattoo

Brown feather indicates there is an energy of respect, grounded positivity, and balance between the physical and spiritual.

Green Feather Tattoo

Green feathers signify abundance and money, a fertile opportunity, as well as vibrant well-being, health, and love.

Yellow Feather Tattoo

Yellow feather is a reminder to be cheerful and light-hearted, to be present, alert, and to stay focused.

Pink Feather Tattoo

Pink feather is a reminder of the unconditional love of your angels, and a reminder of the infinite inspiration available when you have turned into love.

Watercolor Feather Tattoo

The Watercolor Tattoo looks like colors are perfectly blending as though they are running into each other, much like they would be if they were a painting on a canvas.

Feather Tattoo Based on different cultures:

Birds have always fascinated humans, and have earned a huge amount of symbolic and cultural connections, different for every major species. In some traditions and cultures, birds are seen as symbolizing a new beginning, freedom, hope, virtues, etc.

Indian Feather Tattoo

An Indian feather owes its origin to the Native Americans. It all began as the feathers represent respect and also as an accomplishment gift to the courageous, by the chief of the tribe. Indian feathers have a rich history and meaning to them that they make great designs for tattoos, people incorporate feathers, especially peacock feathers, into their tattoos to honor their loved ones. Indian feathers include feathers of most birds like peacocks, hawks, and eagles and symbolize hope, virtues, faith, and charity. Hindu Lord Krishna is generally depicted with peacock feathers adorning his head, the feathers represent royalty, prosperity, and power.

Tribal Native American Feather Tattoo

The feathers in Native American warrior headdresses were needed to be earned – they weren’t just a form of decoration, but a display of the individual’s strength, bravery, and series of heroic deeds. If you are of Native American blood, culture, or heritage, this tattoo is a top-notch preference to symbolize that pride Or simply experience interest in the customs and traditions of the American Indian tribes. For whatever your reason may be, nothing can specify your respect and devotion like the Native American feather tattoo.

Ancient Egypt Feather Tattoo

In ancient Egypt, feathers were used in worshipping the Gods and a feather tattoo stood for the wisdom of the Egyptian Goddess Matt. According to Ancient Egyptians, she is the goddess of truth and justice, they believe that after death the heart of each person would be weighted against the weight of the feather of Ma’at.

Ancient Greece Feather Tattoo

Birds appear often in Greek mythology and so do their feathers. In Greece, Hera the goddess of families was represented by a peacock. In Ancient Greece, people believed the flesh of the peacock never decomposed so their feathers were also considered a sign of immortality.